June 19, 2020
Sparta, NC – A multi-county communication campaign, Show Your Love, is launching to encourage the community to take actions that show love for one another and slows the spread of COVID-19.
AppHealthCare has partnered with the Alleghany Chamber of Commerce, Appalachian State University, and others to increase awareness of actions we can all take to impact how COVID-19 affects our local community.
“We recognize the importance our community actions have on combating this virus. We live and interact in a community with others, and actions we take as individuals affect our community’s health as a whole. Now more than ever, we must see how connected we all are and realize we are stronger together. This campaign brings together many partnerships and demonstrates the collective impact we can have together, while leading with kindness for others,” stated Jennifer Greene, Health Director, AppHealthCare.
“Alleghany County has always been a community where people take care of each other; where neighbors helping neighbors is commonplace and where the wellbeing of our community as a whole is always a priority. The Show Your Love campaign is just another way we can accomplish that. The more we can do now to keep others safe, the quicker we will be able to move forward. This campaign will help us communicate to local residents and visitors our goal of creating a safe and positive experience for all who interact with the High Country communities. Alleghany County is open for business, and following the guidelines promoted in this campaign will help us safely and responsibly provide life’s activities for everyone” stated Lisa Bottomley, Director of Alleghany Chamber of Commerce.
The Show Your Love campaign is being launched with messaging highlighting the 3Ws and if you leave your home, show your love and wear a cloth face covering or wash your hands often or use hand sanitizer and wait 6 feet from others. Posters and social media graphics have been developed and are available for anyone to use. You can download the graphics and check back often as new materials become available. To download the 3Ws graphics, visit
Additional messages will be launched in the coming days and weeks as one feature of the campaign is that it can be catered to many different topics like showing love for local businesses and showing love by donating essential items to those in need, for example.
This campaign is being launched in Alleghany, Ashe and Watauga Counties and in partnership with the local Chambers in each county. We appreciate the many agencies and individuals who have reached out to express their support for this campaign and know it is through all of us that we will slow the spread of COVID-19 and show the love we all have for our community.
For more information, visit For more information about the Alleghany Chamber of Commerce, visit